H5975 G1 [转到字典二转到字典三]


05975`amad {aw-mad'} 字根型;TWOT-1637;动词 AV-stood 171,stand 137,(raise,stand...)up 42,set 32,stay 17, still 15,appointed 10,standing 10,endure 8,remain 8,present 7, continue 6,withstand 6,waited 5,establish 5,misc 42;521


05975`amad {aw-mad'} a primitive root;TWOT-1637;v AV-stood 171,stand 137,(raise,stand...)up 42,set 32,stay 17, still 15,appointed 10,standing 10,endure 8,remain 8,present 7, continue 6,withstand 6,waited 5,establish 5,misc 42;521

1)to stand,remain,endure,take one's stand
--1a1)to stand,take one's stand,be in a standing attitude, stand forth,take a stand,present oneself,attend upon, be or become servant of
--1a2)to stand still,stop (moving or doing),cease
--1a3)to tarry,delay,remain,continue,abide,endure,persist, be steadfast
--1a4)to make a stand,hold one's ground
--1a5)to stand upright,remain standing,stand up,rise,be erect,be upright
--1a6)to arise,appear,come on the scene,stand forth,appear, rise up or against
--1a7)to stand with,take one's stand,be appointed,grow flat, grow insipid
--1b1)to station,set
--1b2)to cause to stand firm,maintain
--1b3)to cause to stand up,cause to set up,erect
--1b4)to present (one)before (king)
--1b5)to appoint,ordain,establish
-1c)(Hophal)to be presented,be caused to stand,be stood before